Sunday, November 20, 2005

A True Story (almost)

One day while rushing our thesis, me and my two groupmates went to Maccas to grab some McCoffee. (Maccas is the Australian slang for McDonalds.)

I ordered a Mocha and a piece of cake. Mudit ordered a Cappucino and Nipun ordered a Cappucino and a Jam-ball donut. (A jam-ball donut is a donut with jam filling.)

2/3 of the way through his donut, Nipun realised that his donut had only a single drop of jam in it. We egged him to go complain and off he went.

The manager gave him a new donut and so he sat back down to chomp down on the donut. Halfway through this donut, he realised that this one had NO JAM at all! So off he went again to complain.

At the McCafe counter, the manager gave him another donut. This time, to play safe, Nipun tore the donut into halves to check and again this one had no jam! So the manager gave him another yet another donut. Tearing it apart, they both saw that this jam-ball donut again had NO JAM!

Embarrased, the manager told Nipun, "Sorry mate. I have no idea why they're all like that. Can I offer you a packet of breakfast jam?"

Nipun then calmly told the manager, "Nah. It's okay. I don't really like jam."

[Okay, the last statement was false. Nipun didn't actually say that. He just came back to the table and finished his 2 and 3/4 jam-less donuts.]

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